Lately my feed has been full of a lot of dog shit videos, and there has been growing frustration regarding bogus trademark issues on YouTube. In the last few weeks, I have seen a few good content creators jump ship over to soundcloud and other alternatives. Last week it became known that the “Fine Bros” attempt to trademark the word “REACT.”
As a result of the example above and similar abuses of the system real content creators are having their videos removed from youtube with no way to fight back. In order to clean up my feed and fight back in my own way, I recently started blocking YouTube channels that I no longer wish to see or deal with. In light of recent events, I figured I would share the method with you and hopefully with your help we can build a fairly comprehensive list of channels that do not deserve to see the light of day.
Video Blocker Add-On: Blocking YouTube Videos at the Browser Level
Currently, the best option for Blocking YouTube channels and videos is the “Video Blocker” Add-on. It is simple and effective at getting rid of unwanted videos from YouTube. Hopefully YouTube will get with the program and build the functionality into our accounts, but until then this is the best way to do it.
Video blocker plugin is available for Chrome, Mozilla, and Opera. (The little video blocker icon in the address bar only shows up when you are on YouTube)
It is best to search for the plugins on the plugins page for each browser, but if you don’t want to here are the links. Chrome, Mozilla, Opera
My List of Blocked YouTube Channels
Download My Current YouTube Channel Block List
^–Please comment if you would like to see your favorite cancerous channels added to the list. Format: (Channel Name, Reason)

Download my list and then import it by opening the file. (If you hit the trash can you clear the entire list)
I will continue to update my list and post it here. For the public list, I will block channels that blatantly steal content and redistribute it as their own. Ultimately, I may have a few levels of the list since I’m building the list in a spreadsheet. Exporting can be a little complicated. If I see any interest I will start posting the master file and explain how to export the channels you want based on certain flags in the file.
Current Blocked YouTube Networks
- Fine Bros
- JukinVideo
- Machinima