How to Block Channels on YouTube
Lately my feed has been full of a lot of dog shit videos, and there has been growing frustration regarding bogus trademark issues on YouTube. In the last few weeks, I have seen a few good content creators jump ship over to soundcloud and other alternatives. Last week...
Jack Points on a Subaru Forester
How and where to jack up your Subaru Forester Subarus are straightforward to jack up, but if you have never done it before or you just don't want to screw something up on your car then this post is for you. Using the provided jack points and few jack stands it is...
Fixing the Firefox inline image scaling issue in phpbb 3.1.3
Over the last few days I have been fighting with Firefox and image attachments in phpbb. Images were appearing at their full resolution. The problem only affected images that were placed as "inline attachments" Regular images and attachments were scaled at they...
Review of the Fumoto F-108 Quick Valve For Subarus
A quick Review of the Fumoto F-108 Quick Valve: I recently installed the Fumoto F-108 valve on my 2014 Subaru Forester XT. I’m a couple of oil changes in now. Oil changes on Subarus with the FA and FB engines are already easy, but the Fumoto Valve makes it stupid easy...
Mercury Sable/ Ford Taurus Coolant Leak Passenger Side (How to Fix)
Timing Cover Coolant/Antifreeze Leak Summary: It is common for a high mileage Ford Taurus or Mercury Sable to develop a coolant leak on the passenger side of the engine. At first you may notice coolant slowly disappearing, but the leak will eventually get to the point...
How to Build a Ventilated Litter Box
A Cheap DIY Ventilated Cat Box The following post explains the process of building a DIY/Cheap ventilated cat box. The total processes is fairly quick once you have the parts. The application for this type of litter box modification is if you live in an apartment or...
How to Change the Speed of Playback on a Youtube Video
Problem: The default player for youtube does not allow you to change the speed of the video play back. Solution: By default the wrong player is selected in youtube. You need to enable the correct player to get additional features. Step 1: Go to...
How to Replace The Taillight Assembly on a 2014 Forester
How to change the taillight assembly on a 2014 Subaru Forester The following post explains how to change the taillight (tail light) assembly on a 2014 or newer subaru forester. I used a taillight assembly from ebay. It cost me around $139, but I have since found...
How to Change the Oil on a 2014 or newer Subaru Forester XT
This is a quick tutorial with photos to help you change the oil on a 2014 Subaru Forester XT. This tutorial should apply to any subaru using the 2L direct injection engine (FA20F engine). In reality all of Subaru's new engines are very similar so I expect...